г. Тюмень, ул. Республики 57, 2 этаж, тел. 8-912-923-99-77
Настоящие игры

Настольная игра "Android" AD01

Артикул: BRG-04863

2 590 р.
со скидкой: 2460.50 р.
Отзывы: оставьте первым
Рейтинг: оцените первым
+ + + + + + +
от 120 мин

  • Murder/Mystery
  • Science Fiction
  • Thematic
  • Action Point Allowance System
  • Hand Manadgement
  • Take That
  • Variable Player Powers
  • Дизайнер (автор) игры: Daniel Clark, Kevin Wilson
    Издательство: Fantasy Flight Games

    Android is a board game set in the distant future, in the city of New Angeles and the Moon colony of Heinlein. 3-5 players take on the roles of investigators, all competing to either solve the case, unravel the conspiracy, or simply find happiness. These tasks take the investigators all across the Greater New Angeles region. Both cities are dangerous places, riddled with lurking threats and dangerous temptations. Players must weigh their options carefully as they scour the streets searching for leads, because one wrong turn could take them down a dark path from which they might not be able to return.

    Players have to decide how much time they are willing to spend following up leads that might be out of the reach. Depending on what form of transportation they have access to, they have to plan their day carefully. If they are fortunate enough to have a dropship pass, they have quick access to any location in the Greater New Angeles region. However, if they have to rely on their own flight-capable vehicles, they have to spend more time traveling between locations, possibly forcing them to travel through “seedy” locations in the city; these are areas most investigators will do well to avoid.

    Learning the lay of the land is one thing, but using it to your advantage takes a bit of experience, and not a small amount of strategy. Moving through the wrong locations at the wrong time allows opposing players to play dark cards on your investigator, and vice versa. Since the fate of the opposing investigators lies partially in your hands, you have to stay diligent during their investigation in case you have a dire twist to their plot waiting to be revealed when they make a wrong turn.

    Язык игры: Английский

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